AVI Iron Thunder

Avi Iron Thunder is about a boy who joined the civil war to go on the Monitor a war boat. The captain says don’t tell anyone about this place because someone could be a spy. A spy gave him a gold dollar the boy gives it to his sister to keep until he finds the guy again. Two days later the boat was being launched and everyone thought it was going to sink but it didn’t. AVI iron thunder the author helped me learn real facts about the war in 1882 because he shows real pictures and sketches of what it looked like. The details in this book relate to the Battle of Hampton Roads and give’s so much detail about history during the civil war. The author wants to teach kids about the parts of the civil war because the only other thing they can do is go to a museum and learn there. The character reacts by trying to help his mom and sister, his sister is very sick and his dad died in the war for the backstory